viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018



Brief description of the collaborative activity

It is a collaborative work between students of 1st course of ESO (12 - 13 years old), studying in schools of different countries with different language. In this case, we have chosen spanish and english languages.

When we deal with the lesson about units of measurement in class, I tell my students that in another time, different countries used different units of measurement. To establish a common criterion, especially in the field of science, the International System of Units (S.I.) is created.

Starting from this point, the students are encouraged to investigate about other units of measurement, which don't belong to the S.I, used in the past or nowdays in the different countries (Spain and UK).
Students should establish the equivalence between the units they have found and the units of the S.I., too

Teachers involved

Me in Spain, and other maths teacher in UK

Description of the classes and students involved

1st course of ESO ( pupils of 12-13 years old)


2 weeks


  •  Learn more about the units of mesurement
  • Increase the cultural knowledge of the students
  • Encourage the students to interact with people from other country.
  • Motivate the students to improve the foreign language
  • Develop technological skills using different apps o software

Tools teachers will use to plan the collaboration

Google Docs and Skype

Collaboration tools students will use to complete the tasks

Skype, Google Drive, Padlet, Google Docs, Google Presentation and Gloster

Materials / handouts

They can look for information in the Wikipedia, or thematic encylopedia

Articles in magazines or web pages

Proposed project timeline and details 

Planning Details & Resources
1st week
Search for information.
Firstly, students from each country should look for information about the units of measurement used in their countries. They will use Google Drive to share the information they find. With Google Docs tool they will create a text document, in which they will include the selected units of measurement and the equivalences with the international units. They will also share the images of the instruments used for those measurements. After that they will create a poster (using Padlet or Gloster) or a presentation (using Google Presentation) collecting all the research information in an attractive way.
2nd week
Introduction of the students and exchange of works

Using Skype, students from the both countries should be in touch, introducing themselves, and showing their work to the others. the Finally, students from both countries will exchange their works and they will do an oral presentation in class, speaking about the different units of measurement in both countries.

Activities or tutorials for getting students familiar with the collaborating tools

Teachers should give some clues to the students in order to help them to use the necessary tools to accomplish the task.
They can use youtube videos to learn about the different software they will use, or do other types of exercises.

Post tasks for getting students to reflect on the successes / obstacles of the collaboration

At the end of the lesson we will have a discussion or round table for sharing what we have learnt, and for speaking about the experience of collaborating with students from another country.

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